Monday, 5 March 2012

A new adventure awaits

So the time has come for me to flap my wings and take a running dive back into mainland life.  Having lived on an absolutely stunning island off the coast of Cornwall for the past 2 years it should be quite a big jump - but it has to be done, albeit very sad! I've learnt an incredible amount working for such a wonderful family.  I am now a licensed lobster and crab murderer, seasoned early riser, Dukan Cook and buggy driver aka pheasant dodger!

I'm trading in my wellies and Ecover-infected hands for high heels and tube passes (well, um kinda not really maybe but we'll see :p).  I'm moving to be closer to family and friends and to have a bit more of a social life.  Ooo and the shops! Sorry, bank account.

I'm pretty relaxed about finding a job for the moment because at the right old age of 25, I feel like I need somewhat of a break as I have worked my arly off for the past 2 years.  Although, there are some great agencies out there in the UK like :

I have 4 weeks left on the island today - which I am sure will go dramatically quickly even though I am excited for my future there is a part of me that is a touch bit sad to leave such an incredible island filled with amazing, friendly people - a touch of Cornish life! Proper job!

But then again, I'll always come back so I guess Tresco, be seeing you drekly!

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