February was birthday month, not only for me but for a 15 year old too! He's quite into his sport and had recently broken his leg whilst playing a game of rugby at school. So as I had loads of time on my hands and seeing as a rainy and windy winter was coming to a close I felt like cosying up to my icing and piping bag. Bring on the rugby theme and after a few hours this is what I created...

I used ready to roll icing and sugar paste to make the rugby items which I perched on top of Buttercream Icing.. which on second thought I won't try again. Nothing beats the good ole butter and icing sugar combo! For those of you wanting to try this, I used a piping nozzle #233 to create the super green green grass. Unfortunately, it took me so long to squeeze the icing out of those tiny little holes that the end bits were starting to melt slightly due to my warm hands (Oh, and I think my Carpal tunnel was kicking in again - it was quite a work out for my hands!) Next time, I'll try using normal icing or just take short breaks in between to ensure I don't have a slightly melted icing. Wahey, even in Winter things melt!